Looking for the best status quotes for facebook. We have lots of quotes for statuses below.

The cure for all ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word 'love.' It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. -Lydia Maria Child

-inspirational love quotes

We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it. -John Lennon

-John Lennon quotes

May you always be blessed with walls for the wind, a roof for the rain, a warm cup of tea by the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you and all that your heart might desire. -Irish Blessing

-Irish New Year Toasts

To Love without Condition, to Talk without Intention, to Listen without Judging, to Give without Reason and to Care without Expectation: The Art of a True Relationship

-best relationship quotes

In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree, "Look at me...I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome. Look at you...you're all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you." And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, "Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest." So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper. And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day.

-short motivational stories

Marriage is like a dollar bill. You can't spend half of it when you tear it in two. The value of one half depends upon the other.

-marriage advice quotes

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