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What are the Twitter Text Commands


Where can I find a list of all the Twitter text commands?


Twitter has designated Twitter text commands that will allow you to quickly perform certain Twitter actions such as adding a tweet to favorites or following someone. You can use these text commands from your web status update box, from your mobile phone or from other third party applications.

Here is a quick list of Twitter text commands:

  • ON - turns ALL Twitter phone notifications on
  • OFF - turns ALL Twitter phone notifications off
  • STOP or QUIT - stops all messages from Twitter to your phone immediately
  • ON username - turns on Twitter notifications for a specific person on your phone. Ex: ON pixaline
  • OFF username - turns off Twitter notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, OFF pixaline
    -Note: using on/off username from your phone only stops notifications to your phone, but you'll still collect a person's updates on the web.
  • FOLLOW username - makes you start following that Twitter user. Ex: follow pixaline
    -Note: If you follow someone from a phone for the first time you will also follow them on the web
  • LEAVE username - makes you unfollow that Twitter user on your phone only. Ex: leave pixaline
    -Note: using follow/leave username from your phone is the same as using on/off username
    -Note: The off, leave, stop, and quit commands will only stop showing updates on your mobile phone. If you want to do these same commands for the web, you must go to the users profile and stop following them.
  • @username message - sends a twitter(replys or mentions) toward a specific Twitter user. Ex: @pixaline You make great Twitter backgrounds!
  • D username message - sends the user a private message. Ex: D pixaline Do you want to use one of our Twitter backgrounds?
  • WHOIS username - gets you the profile information for any public user on Twitter. Ex: whois pixaline
  • GET username - get the latest Twitter update posted by the person. Ex: get pixaline
  • NUDGE username - reminds a friend to update their twitter status. Ex: nudge pixaline
  • FAV username - save the users last tweet in your favorites. Ex: fav pixaline - If you want to mark a tweet as a favorite and it's not the users most recent tweet, just reply to the tweet you want to favorite with FAV
  • STATS - this will show you your number of followers, how many people you're following, and your bio info.
  • INVITE phone number - sends a Twitter invite to a friend's mobile phone. Ex: Invite 360 555 1212

While you are here, check out some of our featured twitter backgrounds. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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