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Replace Interests Subheaders in 2.0 with Different Headers


How can I replace the sections Under Interests in 2.0 with my own Subheaders and different text? How do I replace General, Music or Movies with something else I want to write in that section?


To replace the subheaders text in the Interests Box in Myspace 2.0- (the subheader text that says General, Music, Movies, Television, Books or Heroes), first hide the subheader text for each of those sections by adding this code to your CSS box:

Once each of the headers is removed you can still enter information into each of the sections and only your answer will show. To put a new header for each of these sections, follow these directions.

  • Click on PROFILE in the top menu on myspace and then click on EDIT PROFILE in the drop down menu.
  • Click on Interests in the left menu.
  • Put this code into the top of each of your Interests sections and replace our text with yours.

For instance, if I wanted to replace the Subheader "General" with "Favorite Ice Cream Flavors" and if I wanted the text right below that to say, "Mint Chip, Rocky Road, Peanut Butter Surprise", I would put the following code into the General section in the Edit Profile-Interests part of my myspace:

It would end up looking like this on your actual profile:


Favorite Ice Cream Flavors

Mint Chip, Rocky Road, Peanut Butter Surprise

You can do this with each section of your Interests. If you just want to use a couple of the Interests sections to write your own headers and answers, just use the above code on the first few Interests sections that you want and leave the last ones empty and no text will show up at all for those. Make sure you first hide all the subheaders though(code at the top).

If you just want to replace 1 or 2 subheaders sections and keep the rest how they are, go to the following link to pick which headers you want to remove(instead of removing all headers at once like our code at the top of this page) and use the same directions above to replace only the sections you want to remove:

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


Replace Interests Subheaders in 2.0 with other text, remove Interests subheaders and put other subheaders there, Hide Interests Subheaders and put something else, replace general subheader, replace movies header, replace television header text, replace heroes text header in 2.0 profiles, replace books subheader text in myspace 2.0, replace music text subheader in 2.0