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What Size to Make Myspace Background


How do I know what size to make a myspace background when I make a myspace layout? What is the screen resolution that I need to fit a myspace background in to make sure my myspace layout shows the complete background? What is the most common screen resolution of myspace users?


When you make a background for your myspace layout you have to take a few things into consideration.

You want to include people with all different screen resolutions(see definition below) so that everyone that views your myspace layout will see it in the best way possible. Usually the best way to do this is to try to make the background work perfectly for 1024x768 and then also extend it some and fade out the edges so it will work for people with large monitors and higher screen resolutions. We have 30 inch monitors and 95% of layouts we find are cut off on the edges or messed up because of the size of the monitor and the high screen resolution.

So in our opinion the best size to make a background is 1600w x 900h pixels (or 22.222 inches by 12.5 inches). Now the edges can be faded out so it doesn't all have to be covered but make sure at least 1024w x 768h pixels (or 14.222 by 10.667 inches) are covered with whatever background design you are doing.

For an example look at this background from our website.

This background fits perfectly on a 1024x768 screen resolution but if you notice the outside edges are faded so that it fits with all other screen resolutions and doesn't just cut off at the edge.

What is screen resolution?

The screen display resolution of your computer monitor is referring to the number of pixels that can be displayed. The most common screen resolution is 1024x768 meaning the number of columns and rows of pixels creating the computer screen display. 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. Some people use the lower screen resolution of 800x600 which shows less of a webpage than 1024x768. The outer areas are cut off in 800x600(so if you are on 800x600 please switch! you have no idea what you are missing on websites).

Most websites are made to fit 1024x768 and most of them also work in all screen resolutions higher than 1024x768(those higher just see more space on the sides and bottom of webpages when browsing the web). but when making myspace layouts we have to be careful to include higher resolutions by not having background images that are cut straight at the edge. When we fade them out to the same color on all edges it makes the layout look 1000 times better on higher resolutions because those monitors show a lot more background around the myspace layout.

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


what size do I make my myspace background, how to make a background for myspace, how to make a myspace background, whats the most common screen resolution for myspace users, what screen resolution to make myspace background for