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How to Move Myspace Profile 2.0 Over to Left or Right


How do I move my 2.0 myspace profile to the left or right? I want to show more of my background, how can I move the myspace tables over to the left or right side in 2.0?


If you want to move the middle section tables in your myspace profile 2.0 over to the left or over to the right follow the directions below. You can use this to completely left align your tables or completely right-align them. You can also use this if your background is off to the side just a little bit and you need to move the middle section over a little to center it correctly. This will move everything to the left or to the right including the top menu, bottom menu and the top ad.

Look in your myspace layout code for the body section towards the beginning of the code. The body section should look like this:

Underneath the word "body" you will see a background url (or color) and you might see margin-left or margin-right(I included both in the code above). If those are in there make margin-left OR margin-right say "margin-right: 150px;" OR "margin-left: 150px;" If you set margin-left to150px your profile tables will move all the way over to the right side of the page. If you use margin-right at 150px your profile tables will move all the way to the left side of the page. The number you set will depend on how wide your 2.0 profile is to begin with and how far you want it to move over. You can play around with the number to get it where you want it. If margin-left is set, then delete margin-right in this section. If margin-right is set, then delete the margin-left in this section.

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


How do I move my 2.0 myspace profile to the left or right? I want to show more of my background, how can I move the myspace tables over to the left or right side in 2.0? how to I move the body of my myspace profile all the way to the left? how to I move the body of my myspace profile all the way to the right?